“ It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism ”
-Frederic Jameson
We invite you to look through these resources which represent a small selection of materials on topics ranging from carbon sequestration to basket making. You will also find a number of organizations that Plein Ventures recognizes for the important work that they do. If you have any suggestions for additional resources, we encourage you to contact us.
How degrowth and artist agence can revitalize the art world- Petra Bibeau
Changes in the Land- William Cronon
Post-Capitalis Desire- Mark Fisher
Direct Action: An Ethnography- David Graeber
How to pay for saving the world: Modern Monetary Theory for a degrowth transition- Jasson Hickel
Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism
This Changes Everything: Capitalism VS the Climate- Naomi Klein
Craeft: An Inquiry into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional Crafts- Alexander Langlands
The Long Transition Towards Socialism and the End of Capitalism- Torkil Lauesen
Mushroom at the End of the World- Anna Tsing
Governing the economics of the common good- Mariana Mazzucato
Capitalism in the Web of Life- Jason Moore
Governing the Commons- Elinor Ostrom
The Political Economy of Degrowth- Timothee Parrique